Healing and Personal Growth through Individual Movement Therapy Session.
Find a new understanding of yourself through your body and the way it wants to move.
Self Discovery and Healing at it’s deepest level.
When we move our body from the 'inside out' rather than being directed from the 'outside in', we tune into our inner landscape and move in response to it, this is Authentic Movement, an incredibly healing tool.
Authentic Movement is a completely self-directed form, in which you can discover movement pathways that offers a bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. In this way we by-pass the conscious logical mind and receive the wisdom of the body. We combine movement with drawing and dialog to bring this wisdom to life in a practical and clear way.
Allow the expression of yourself in a whole new way through the language of movement. Create healing through movement.
Individual Sessions $100/hr
Student DMT discounts available. Sessions are facilitated in Ashburton, Victoria.
Click on the black box below to watch a short video "Authentic Movement Defined"
Click on the black box below to watch a short video "Authentic Movement Demo"